Friday, April 11, 2008

Concert Time !!

Wow, do I have some musicians in my household... I'm just glad all these instruments are in the garage, and my scraproom is very far away on the other side of the house, where I can't even hear when they go at it. I snuck a picture of my nephew Ryan when he was in his room playing his drum set. I just had to do a page to share these pics. The stickers I got from a scrapbook store and the music notes printed paper is from Michaels.

" I'll let you know when the next concert is" LOL...Ryan's a fill in, in case one of the other drumers can't make it.

Till next time..... HAPPY STAMPIN.. Bec :)

If you wish to maximize any picture to view more of the detail, right click on the photo and click on Open Link.

1 comment:

mich said...

Our boys can "ROCK" the drums. I did think a little guy had that much aggresion to release. Thanks for incorporating my little guy into the layout.